Do you want to get to know your potential customers and target them specifically, but don’t know how to create a buyer persona yet and are still looking for the right way to get started?
In our workshop we will create individual buyer personas of your target group together with you!
With this workshop, you will get a good overview of the basics and differences between the buyer persona and the target group. You will learn what advantages buyer personas offer, where you can apply them and what mistakes there are when creating them. Together with you we will develop your buyer persona, so that you can do effective and target-oriented marketing.
Content and general conditions
The buyer persona workshop is aimed at participants from management, department heads, executives from marketing and sales and is individually tailored to your needs. The workshop consists of theoretical and practical parts with interactive discussion rounds to individually address possible solutions.
Buyer Persona Workshop
Duration: 5-6 hours, max. participants: 12, via online conference or on-site Contents:Basics and advantages of the Buyer PersonaUse cases of the Buyer PersonaMistakes during creationCreation of two Buyer Personas together.
Aim of the workshop
After our workshop, you will have your buyer persona, will be aware of the challenges and know what is important when creating it. You will know which actions are necessary to create further buyer personas and how to use them in your company. We will create your ideal customer with you and you will become aware of the next steps for target-oriented marketing.
Are you interested?
Then we look forward to hearing from you! Simply fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you.

Your contact partner:
Nils Horstmann
Do you want to get to know your potential customers and target them specifically, but don’t know how to create a buyer persona yet and are still looking for the right way to get started?
In our workshop we will create individual buyer personas of your target group together with you!
With this workshop, you will get a good overview of the basics and differences between the buyer persona and the target group. You will learn what advantages buyer personas offer, where you can apply them and what mistakes there are when creating them. Together with you we will develop your buyer persona, so that you can do effective and target-oriented marketing.
Content and general conditions
The buyer persona workshop is aimed at participants from management, department heads, executives from marketing and sales and is individually tailored to your needs. The workshop consists of theoretical and practical parts with interactive discussion rounds to individually address possible solutions.
Buyer Persona Workshop
Duration: 5-6 hours, max. participants: 12, via online conference or on-site Contents:Basics and advantages of the Buyer PersonaUse cases of the Buyer PersonaMistakes during creationCreation of two Buyer Personas together.
Aim of the workshop
Nach unserem Workshop haben Sie Ihre Buyer Persona vorliegen, sind sich den Herausforderungen bewusst und wissen worauf es bei der Erstellung ankommt. Sie wissen, welche Handlungen nötig sind, um weitere Buyer Personas zu erstellen und in Ihrem Unternehmen einzusetzen. Wir erstellen mit Ihnen Ihren Wunschkunden und Sie sind sich der nächsten Schritte für ein zielführendes Marketing bewusst.
Interesse geweckt?
Dann freuen wir uns über eine Kontaktaufnahme! Füllen Sie einfach das Kontaktformular aus und wir setzen uns umgehend mit Ihnen in Verbindung.

Your contact partner
Nils Horstmann